Brave New World
Brave New World by Alduous Huxley
Brave New World is a book set about 500 years into the future, where all babies are born in bottles in giant factories, given ranks from Alpha to Gamma, and given messages in their sleep of what is right, what is wrong, and how to behave. These messages are given to all children from the moment they are born to their teens. Depending on their class, the messages "condition" children as to what they like, what they don't like, and prepare them for their future jobs and roles in society as "Alphas," "Betas," "Epsilons," etc.
Essentially, all members of society are "conditioned" to the ultimate degree so that they speak only what they remember in their dreams, and act accordingly to a machine-like society.
Interesting World + 5
The characters were somewhat boring, bland, and especially because they are all so "conditioned" to the system that they only speak words and phrases that they remember from those hypnaeopedic messages in their sleep.
The only interesting character in the book is Helmholtz, who wants to fight the system, but doesn't realize it, or doesn't know how because of his inner "conditioning."
Bland characters -2
The story is fairly boring in itself. It was inevitable that they have to introduce a character that is out of place in the system or something, but it just felt so out of context and weird that it had to be an Indian, and an ascetic one at that.
Unsuspenseful Story -1
There were alot of plot-holes, unless someone more capable can explain them to me. Some characters in the book discuss their "conditioning" in various places, so that leads me to believe that they are aware of how they were raised, especially since other characters take tours of the "Baby Factories." So, why don't any of the characters rebel or fight the system? If they know that all their preconceived notions about life were unconciously given to them in hypnopaedic messages, then why don't they fight it? They just acknowledge it like they're happy not learning anything themselves.
Other plot holes: Why does an Indian reservation exist... really? Their excuse for it existing was because (1) The land cannot be used for civilized purposes due to certain things, and (2) they use it to study "uncivilized" people or something.
I can't really take that and it seems they just wanted that in the book for plot reason #4, and they couldn't think up a really good excuse.
Plot-Holes -3
Compare the book to 1984. Early in 1984, they introduced the idea of the "police" capturing and imprisoning bad citizens at night in a dream like procedure. This has you constantly in fear that Winston will be caught at any moment he treads rebellious ground.
In Brave New World, there's nothing like that, and there's no really conflict or suspense anywhere, except at the very end. So, it's pretty boring.
1984 (Suspense + Story + Characters + Psychological + World)
Farenheit 451 (Suspense + Story + Characters + 1/2 World)
Brave New World (World + Psychological)
So... 1984 > Farenheit 451 > Brave New World.
The world is interesting, yet not enough to keep the book up and running for the whole part.
Labels: Books
Interesting commentary...maybe I should skip reading it.
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